The Beauty of Interchange Selections From Japan’s Kobe City Museum
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The Beauty of Interchange Selections From Japan’s Kobe City Museum
The Beauty of Interchange Selections From Japan’s Kobe City Museum

十六世紀以後,歐洲與亞洲經由海路的交會碰撞出一連串令人讚嘆的火花!今年六月,在國立故宮博物院與日本神戶市立博物館雙方合作之下,隆重推出故宮南院年度最大國際展「交融之美-神戶市立博物館精品展」。從臺灣所在的東亞海域出發,透過不同文物的匯集與組合,呈現出有別於以往交流展的新視野。期待能透過精彩的展品,更全面地呈現大航海時期以來,東亞海域周邊地區在多方相會下所發生的文化撞擊與交流。 本展特別借重神戶市立博物館的精品,另精選國立故宮博物院典藏文物及荷蘭國家博物館(Rijksmuseum)、荷蘭德夫特王子博物館(Museum Prinsenhof Delft)及國立臺灣歷史博物館的收藏,為觀眾講述一段十六至十九世紀歐亞藝術的奇遇與交融。


Starting in the 16th century, fascinating sparks of interchange took place between Europe and Asia via the sea routes that connected them together. In June of 2019, the National Palace Museum and Kobe City Museum collaborate to present “The Beauty of Interchange: Selections from Japan’s Kobe City Museum” at the Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum. With Taiwan’s position along East Asian sea routes, the exchange and combination of cultural artifacts offer a unique perspective and new vision compared to previous exhibitions on cultural exchange. It is hoped that these marvelous display items can present an even more complete view from the Age of Discovery, representing the meeting and interaction of cultures that took place among various participants in the area of the East Asian seas. To present this engaging story of the exchange between Europe and Asia, this special exhibition features fine works from the collection of the Kobe City Museum along with those from the National Palace Museum, Rijksmuseum, Museum Prinsehof Delft, and National Museum of Taiwan History, narrating for audiences the fortuitous encounter and fusion of European and Asian art in the 16th to 19th centuries.

Art Direction. Chung Ping-Hung
Graphic Design. Kaw Wei-Jun
Client. 國立故宮博物院南部院區
Year. 2019